Monday, July 4, 2011

chapter one

"Hey" Leaf mewed as Crow walked in.
"Daddy!!!" Lion, Jay, and Holly squealed

Thursday, May 26, 2011

i love leafpool

I love leafpool! Lol I totaly geused she was gunna mate with crowfeather all allong! So if u love leafpool the this is the blog to see! This isn't a promice but ill try to post every week or so, can't say the day of week though. Sorry! I read warriors and before that I hated cats, but, I was dearly in love with horses. My older friend (like 4 years older than me) was reading warriors and I wanted so be cool so I read them too! THEY ARE FLIPPIN AWESOME! Now I have one horse one dog and 4 cats!

So that's my short story, I'm this blog I will write short chapters on what happend if leafpool haddnt rejoined the clan, and what happends with crowfeather.

Thx! Luv ya all!
Please see my other blogs :)
